Background is ‘the place’ online to go to find all camp and outdoor cooking information. Whether you’re enjoying ocean shores or mountain peaks, traveling heavy with friends or trekking light and solo, they teach skills and techniques for outdoor cooking with complete explanations and high quality images. All skills are presented with flexible recipes designed for the extremes that can be found outside the kitchen.

Project Included

Website Goals

The marketing goals for the Bush Cooking website were three-fold:

1) To create an online community of like-minded individuals pursuing knowledge and expertise in outdoor cooking.

2) To convert customers through a content marketing funnel, including  newsletter sign-ups, contact form submissions, and visits to recommended product pages.

3) To create a primary source of income for Bush Cooking through advertising and affiliate marketing.

Website Strategy

The core foundation of project success centered on targeting three unique personas:

1. Unskilled but Outdoorsy
Your typical outdoor person. They are an urban or suburban dweller, but spend a good deal of their free time in the outdoors.

2. Master Chef

Those who are accustomed to the world of smokers, meat thermometers, and marinades, who are interested in sharing information as much as receiving it to refine their technique.

3. Blue Collar Hunter/Fisher

A member of a distinct American sub-culture who talks with a drawl no matter his geographic location, pronounces creek as “crik,” shops exclusively at Cabellas and is a Carhart enthusiast.

Recipe Reviews & Taxonomies

The new recipe pages on the site use reviews and custom groupings for ingredients, cooking method, meal type, technique, difficulty, equipment, and country. They act as a database that hungry visitors can sort by category to quickly find relevant content. This also helps search engines organize and categorize the content, which has led to improved search rankings and more informative results for potential visitors.

Logo Design & Branding

We helped establish Bush Cooking as an online brand  and Bush Kitchen as its competitive outdoor cooking team, which promotes aspects of the online brand to drive traffic back to the website. The goal was to create an emotional connection that represents the essence of outdoor cooking with earth tones, a rustic aesthetic, and punctuated by brush- and hand-drawn typography.

The Results

The site is picking up traction well into year three with an NBBQA 2019 Website of the Year Award. The Bush Cooking community is forming around this content with thousands of newsletter sign-ups and a lasting spike in visitors. As more key analytic data is collected to validate and improve the user experience, we expect the site to grow even faster.

Typical Project Includes

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See our Processes on web design, website strategy, and web development.

A Word from the Team

matt sheeks

“Creating the user personas for Bush Cooking was the highlight of the project as it crossed over into my passion for the outdoors.  It’s crazy to think of all the diversity of personalities that are searching for outdoor cooking methods and recipes. In addition, our keyword research confirmed that Bush Cooking’s niche of the online cooking world is hot right now. We collected 600 keywords in 12 outdoor cooking categories, many of which had hundreds or even thousands of searches per month online. The amount of opportunity in this niche makes us excited for what is in store for Bush Cooking’s future.”

~ Matt Sheeks, Strategist

“Bush Cooking was a fun project that allowed us to focus on its holistic brand identity. It gave us the opportunity to touch every aspect of the consumer experience and validate those assumptions with feedback directly from the target market.”

~ Mike Sayenko, UI/ UX Designer

“Bush Cooking was a rewarding challenge. The mix of custom taxonomies, schema markup, and a custom WordPress theme made for an exciting project that we’re all proud of.”

~ Robert Parker, Full Stack Developer

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