About Mike Sayenko

I try to add value to local businesses by blogging about relevant topics to help with website results and online marketing. I also blog about the latest graphic design trends. If you would like me to touch on a subject, please leave us a comment below. I would love to help! We are a Seattle Web Design company with a focus on results through smart strategic marketing. Read a review of our agency.

Installing Google Analytics 4: A Step-By-Step Approach

2023-11-29T00:34:12+00:00Categories: Digital Strategy, Search Engine Optimization|

[6 min Read] In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. When it comes to building a website, WordPress is a popular choice due to its flexibility and user-friendly interface.

Managed WordPress Sites Explained: Benefits, Features, and Costs

2023-11-29T00:45:59+00:00Categories: Website Usability, Digital Strategy, Content Marketing, Web Design, WordPress|

[4 min Read] In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. When it comes to building a website, WordPress is a popular choice due to its flexibility and user-friendly interface.

Accessing Your WordPress Site: How to Log In and Manage Content

2023-11-29T00:58:48+00:00Categories: Website Usability, Digital Strategy, Content Marketing, Web Design, WordPress|

[3 min Read] WordPress has become one of the most popular content management systems, powering millions of websites worldwide. If you're new to WordPress, it's important to understand how to access your site's admin dashboard and effectively manage your content.

Removing Breadcrumbs in WordPress: A Guide to Tidy Navigation

2023-11-29T00:59:39+00:00Categories: Website Usability, Digital Strategy, Content Marketing, Web Design, WordPress|

[3 min Read] When it comes to website navigation, simplicity and clarity are key. Breadcrumbs, a navigation feature that displays a trail of links indicating the user’s location within a website, can be helpful in some cases.

WordPress Widgets vs Plugins: A Comprehensive Comparison

2023-11-29T01:00:06+00:00Categories: Plugins, Website Usability, Web Design, WordPress|

[4 min Read] In today’s digital age, a well-designed and effective website serves as the cornerstone of success for businesses and organizations. It acts as a powerful tool for attracting and engaging customers, establishing credibility, and driving conversions.

The Cornerstone of Success: Top Aspects Of An Effective Website

2023-11-30T22:05:59+00:00Categories: Website Usability, Digital Strategy, Content Marketing, Web Design|

[3 min Read] In today’s digital age, a well-designed and effective website serves as the cornerstone of success for businesses and organizations. It acts as a powerful tool for attracting and engaging customers, establishing credibility, and driving conversions.

Strategizing Website Content: Optimal Methods For Enhancing User Experience

2023-11-02T23:36:19+00:00Categories: Website Usability, Digital Strategy, Content Marketing, Web Design|

[3 min Read] In the digital landscape, creating a successful website goes beyond aesthetics and functionality. Strategic website content plays a vital role in engaging visitors, providing valuable information, and guiding them towards desired actions.

Embellishing Your Website: Advice For Crafting An Aesthetically Pleasing Online Persona

2023-11-02T23:37:12+00:00Categories: Website Usability, Digital Strategy, Content Marketing, Web Design|

[3 min Read] In today’s digital era, a visually appealing website is paramount for creating a strong online presence. Your website serves as your virtual persona, representing your brand and enticing visitors to explore further.

Redirecting HTTP to HTTPS in WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide

2023-11-02T23:40:08+00:00Categories: Website Usability, Digital Strategy, Content Marketing, Web Design|

[3 min Read] Website security is of utmost importance in today’s digital landscape. One crucial aspect of securing your website is ensuring that all traffic is encrypted using the HTTPS protocol. If your WordPress website is still using the unsecured HTTP protocol, it’s essential to redirect it to HTTPS to protect user data, build trust, and improve your site’s search engine rankings.