How many website pages do you typically custom design?

2024-03-20T06:38:13+00:00Categories: , |

We design mission-critical website pages, typically 4-12. The pages that are critical to the conversion point, moving the user down the marketing funnel from the awareness stage (Homepage, Blog, Resources), to interest (About Us, Services/ Products) to consideration (Case Studies/ Projects, Why Us?, Clients/ Reviews), interest/ evaluation (Contact Us), and purchase for ecommerce (Cart Checkout).

Do you use WordPress templates?

2023-02-17T19:48:51+00:00Categories: |

No, we custom design your WordPress website based on competitor analysis, inspirational research, best practices for user experience, and trends. The design is presented before we start coding and building a custom WordPress theme.

What do you typically recommend for website photography?

2024-03-20T06:35:50+00:00Categories: |

We almost always recommend professional photography. We typically work with a photographer on providing photography direction – what to do and not do. Sort of a style guide. Usually a website ends up using a blend of professional and stock. We do recommend a few high quality paid stock libraries including a few free ones (with limited inventory).